General Software

This page hosts miscellaneous application which are not directly linked to either MaximDL or ACP.

Below is the list of currently available applications.


CloudDetector and Alarm:

This application uses a low-cost IR thermometer to monitor cloud conditions and sound an alarm when the conditions change.
I use it to warn me when I need to cover my scope, so I can get on with other things or even sleep.

CloudDetector and Alarm



SkySolve is an application which performs All Sky plate solutions.
It can locate the precise location of an image on the sky with no initial hint at to its location.


Please feel free to download and use these applications, if you do please give me some feedback via email to winfij_AT_gmail_DOT_com

Commercial redistribution of these applications is restricted, please contact me first.

Use of any of these tools is entirely at your own risk - they work for me, but any damage or undesired behavior is at your own risk.